D1 - DOURO FAMILY 2BD APART This is a 2-bedroom modern self-catering apartment that has been built to make the living space easy to access and live in by a guest who is in a wheelchair. All the doors have enough width for a wheelchair there are no steps to enter the apartment or inside, the apartment its equipped with a roll-in shower and a shower chair.. This family-friendly apartment features 2 bedrooms with double beds, 2 bathrooms with shower and one open 1 dining/living room with a fireplace. The kitchen is fully equipped, all rooms are equipped with air-conditioning and have windows facing the typical Church Square.. Located on the ground floor of a totally reformed building with capacity for 4 guests, with free Wi-Fi internet and cable TV it's ideal for families and groups.. The property its located on a beautiful rural area called Custoias do Douro, 5 km from Sequeira, 10 km from Arnozelo riverfront village, 10 km from Ferragosa another river-facing village. You can find some traditional Portuguese restaurants close by.. Turismo Espaço Rural 04/2019 You may be charged a cleaning fee when booking this accommodation, please confirm this with the advertiser before booking. Utilities included up to a maximum of 100 euros....
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